One Day in April A Hillsborough Story


Jenni Hicks

Jenni Hicks was the vice chair, and the longest-serving committee member, of the Hillsborough Families Support Group. She fought for justice for her daughters, and the other ninety-four victims of the Hillsborough disaster, for over three decades, and continues to campaign for Maria Eagle MP's and Lord Michael Wills' Public Advocate Bill, and Bishop James Jones's 'Hillsborough Law' Public Authority (Accountability) Bill.

Her story was featured in Jimmy McGovern's 1996 film, Hillsborough, starring Christopher Eccleston and Annabelle Apsion, but she has not spoken personally about her private life and journey as a mother until now. Jenni lives in Liverpool, and volunteers as a school governor for young people who have been excluded from mainstream education.

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