Cupcake Cousins


Kate Hannigan

Author Bio: Kate Hannigan, a former journalist with the San Francisco Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News, works as an online editor and writer in Chicago, where she lives with her husband, three kids, two frogs, and one noisy dog. An active blogger and dangerous home cook, Kate enjoys carefree Michigan summers, riding bikes, picking blueberries, and chasing fireflies. This is her debut novel. Say hello online at

Illustrator Bio: Brooke Boynton Hughes grew up in Loveland, Colorado, where she spent lots of time drawing cats, mermaids, and tree houses. Today, she holds a BFA in Printmaking from Colorado State University, an MFA in Figurative Art from the New York Academy of Art, and she loves baking cupcakes. She currently lives in Colorado. This is her first book. Visit her online at!

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