Things Bogans Like


E. Chas McSween, Enron Hubbard, Flash Johnson, Hunter McKenzie-Smythe, Intravenus Demilo, Michael Jayfox

The six self-confessed snobs responsible for this maxtreme study are:

Intravenus De Milo: Now living in Australia, smug in the satisfaction that he is pretty much the smartest person in the country.

Hunter McKenzie-Smythe: Completed an Arts degree and skied the world until experiencing an epiphany and converted to Sunni Islam.

Flash Johnson: Born from an egg on a Peruvian mountaintop in 1986, Flash set sail for Australia - the site of the world s most advanced bogan colony and now resides in Melbourne.

Enron Hubbard: Since his arrest for civil unrest while defending battery hens, militant vegan Ron lives as a hermit, fearful of reprisals from angry bogans who value their low-cost, high-quantity egg and poultry goods.

E. Chas McSween: Adopted at the age of eight, by visiting celebrity bogan Greg Evans and relocated to a household full of Ken Done prints and Jive Bunny CDs.

Michael Jayfox: From the lush, bogan habitat of Victoria's Latrobe Valley. Initially planning to sell the bogan maxtreme products that it didn't need, he became distracted by the study of bogan creature itself, and began writing of its ways.

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