This Is This Country


Kerry Mucklowe, Kurtan Mucklowe

Kerry Mucklowe is a part time professional pet babysitter and full-time street fighter who also still manages to find the time to be her own personal security. When she's not bashing someones face in she enjoys conducting science experiments with soda streams, and once performed a successful autopsy on a dead Daddy Dong Legs.

Kurtan Mucklowe once came a very close second in the 100m at his primary school sports day. This meant he was the second fastest in his whole school until he decided to retire at the age of 11 to pursue his other talent of blowing things up with them little french bangers. He once famously blew a head off of a Playmobil ambulance man, and was the first person ever in the village to put 20 bangers in a cow pat and blow it to smithereens. Kurtan is currently pursuing an interest in aerosol fireballs.

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